
Rainbow Sports Centre was founded by 3 time Olympian and 3 time Africa Bronze medalist Mary Musoke(commonly known as Coach Maria) in 2003 .She also won The Prestigious Presidential golden jubilee award for her contribution to the development of Uganda during the 2022 women’s day. The Center is a registered non profit organization limited by guarantee.

‘Coach Maria’ was inspired to start the center with an urgent calling to give back and the desire to produce Sportsmen and women to perform better than her. Being an Accountant by profession , she was touched by the school drop out rate in the country especially among sportspeople in the urban areas and she embarked on integrating education into the sports activities by looking for scholarships and subsidies for the youth and children.

The Center offers for practical solutions for out of school youth by connecting them to agencies that train Job creators by training youth in carpentry, fabrication and welding, shoemaking, embroidery, tailoring, weaving, hairdressing, knitting, bakery, crafts and stone-cutting (for the areas with stones).

The Center uses sports as a vehicle to promote education and skills development in order to fight poverty by engaging in gainful employment and improve their livelihoods.

The center hopes to start training youth in agricultural value addition and support 200,000 youth to carry out value addition activities like making tomato sauce

Equipment and attire is sponsored by Ping Sans Frontiere of France.

The Center based in Kampala specializes in Table Tennis, Football, and Basketball. The target group for the Centre are schooling and out of school children and youth aged 5 years upwards. The Center offers free training to the players.

Children who excel in sports are able to get sports bursaries to good schools and Universities.. The center looks for sponsors from the USA and Japan diaspora for school fees for the disadvantaged and carries out training to players. The parents and youth engage in income generating activities to improve their livelihoods like buying motorcycles (bodabodas) and selling merchandise

Alignment with Government Programmes and SDGs

The Center is in alignment with SDGs 1,3,4,5,8 and Government and Donor Programs of promoting education, promoting sports, promoting the girl child , child and youth development, gender equality and poverty alleviation.

Target group for sports and education

Children and youth (boys and girls) aged 3 to 35 years. Schooling and out of school youth.